for librarians, archivists & professional preservers-creators of information
ISSN 1203-8954    Canada

Views of archives, records centres, libraries, museums & media production-distribution services.  | Museums Articles & reportsResources & servicesAbout ProvenanceCredits1995-2000 ArchivesVol.4 2002 Vol.5 2003 Vol.6 2004 Vol.7 2005  |  Vol.8 2006 

Provenance Information - Vol. 11 - 2009

Dr. Hsin Kan Chen, Scouting history Vancouver BC 1932-2009

Dr. Hsin Kan Chen's Scouting History (1932 - 2009) Metro Vancouver BC and Victoria at

Provenance Information - Vol. 10 - 2008

Photos of Blythe doll / Neo-Blythe dolls from CWC licensed fr. Hasbro CLICK TO PROVENANCE OF THE VINTAGE AND NEO-BLYTHE DOLL

Vintage Blythe and Neo-Blythe Dolls 1972-2008 read about the provenance of this dolls origins and current lives as Neo-Blythe versions from the creative work of CWC in Tokyo under licence from Hasbro ... click to official article

nb. "Blythe" is registered trademark of Hasbro Inc. The article in Provenance is provided by CWC Cross World Communications which is licensed to design and manufacture the current Neo-Blythe dolls in Asia and Oceania s/a

Provenance Information - Vol. 9 - 2007

Brenda Wong, Library Columnist for Provenance,  during a coffee break in Vancouver

Legal research for library technicians:  an introduction to continuing education resources on the web and in print - or - strategies for learning about law.

by Brenda Wong, library information technology & law libraries column 2007.01 article

Children's Story Review:  "About Rabbits - Grumps - College Mice etc." from Deborah Chantson, Toronto correspondent 2007.05.11 / 2007.03-04

Provenance Information - Vol. 8 - 2006

Designing Usability in Library Web Sites, by Brenda Wong, law librarian  |  Lawyers IP / IT Legal Issues-Services, by Caroline Bergeron  |  Bibliographer at work with 400 Year old Pocket Book version of Homer's Odysseus photos fr. Robertson-Reiter-Chan

Brenda Wong's Column reviews Designing Usability in Library Web Sites

You notice poor design, but good design can be invisible enabling you to finish your task.  The same concept can be applied from every day objects to web sites.

I learned a scientific method of observation and then testing design of web sites. read rest of Brenda's article here

Canada's Intellectual Property Law & Technology Lawyers

Photo - James Hutchison, Intellectual Property, Technolgoy Law, Commercial-Business lawyer in Victoria BC

What does an intellectual property / technology services lawyer do to assist information-content creators, designers and managers in this vast "digital-globalization of intellectual assets?"

The law firm of Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt offers an array of intellectual property and technology services in context of its commercial-business law and litigation services:

  • Advises ... on strategies and techniques for protecting, managing and selling your intellectual property, whether it is a computer system, a technology-based product or a technology business;
  • Revises ... your employment and contract agreements to ensure the intellectual property your staff creates belongs to you;
  • Conducts ... due diligence with respect to risk assessments of your intellectual property;
  • Provides ... legal opinions on infringement of third party intellectual property;
  • Negotiates, drafts and renders ... legal opinions on license agreement of all forms of intellectual property;
  • Prepares ... technology-related agreements including acquisition, software development and technology transfer agreements as well as E-commerce, Web site development and hosting agreements;
  • Prepares ... intellectual property-related commercial contracts including supply & distribution of technology agreements and maintenance & support of software/hardware agreements;
  • Adapts ... agreements to reflect your needs such as joint ventures, other "partnering" arrangements and contracts structuring research collaborations, strategic alliances or partnerships to promote new technologies;
  • Assists in dealing with abuse of confidential information and trade secrets as well as domain name registration and Internet dispute matters; and
  • Enforces .... your intellectual property rights whether it is a license agreement, a franchise relationship or another arrangement involving the commercialization of your intellectual property and technology assets.
  • James Hutchison and his colleagues .... advise on copyright protection which includes the clearance, acquisition and registration of copyright. We provide advice on a wide range of subject matters such as software, literature, photography, video, film, telecommunication and the Internet. We assist you in solving disputes regarding ownership of material that is created by various parties.

The above information is provided by Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt, barristers and Solictors in Victoria, BC,

For IP / IT Lawyers in Victoria, Vancouver, Toronto & Ottawa go to

Provenance of photo images of Ancient Greek-Latin Books and historic Mediterraean Sea

Provenace of this photo collage includes photo of Guy Robertson, MLS  hand examination of an aprox 400 year old Greek-Latin translation of Homer's Oddysseus with backdrop photo of Mediterraean Sea from the boot of Italy from Tamara Reiter, Italian studies student at the University of Victoria

Provenance Articles & Columns - Vol.7 2005

Photo of Reception in honour of 2005 Year of the Veteran & the 60th anniversary of the end of World War 2 in Southeast Asia & the Pacific Region, Hosted by the Honourable Iona Campagnolo, Lieutenant Governor of Bristih Columbia 2005.08.15 at Government House, 1401 Rockland Ave. Victoria- Wesley Lowe director of ceremonies - attendance included many Canadian Chinese WW2 veterans as well as former civilian POW's from Java, Indonesia / Philippines

Victoria High School - Class of 1961 - Reunion Lunch

Members of this class meet twice yearly for reunions in Victoria, BC. Here we have a group photo to add to the happy memories of friendship and shared history between classmates for over 44 years. Photographs organized by Sharon Chow on behalf of the group. (2005.05.07) Click here or on group photo for enlargement - note its about 192 k. image

Provenance of photos: Canon PowerShot S20 3.3 megapixel digital camera / Pentax P3 Sinlge Lens Refex 35 mm using Fuji Color 200 ASA film, taken by N.Chan Victoria BC - photos edited with Adobe Photoshop 6 for web

Random Thoughts from a Tale of 2 Cities, Vancouver & Winnipeg

By: Columnist, Brenda Wong, on library jobs, life and technology views of a library technician and special libraries correspondent.

Freeing the 'Archival Captive':  A Closer Look at Tribal Archives

By:  Brooke M. Black, MLIS student from San Jose State University

ABSTRACT  Native Americans must maintain their own archives to take back their history and culture and to control and organize their own tribal government records.  This article explores the purposes for and benefits of tribal-owned archives in the United States.  It also looks at the way native material has been traditionally collected and used by non-natives and how that affects Native Americans and their own archives.  This article then explores the history and development of tribal archives and libraries since the passage of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act in the 1970s.  Due to new funding sources, conferences and related associations, tribal archives are growing in number and this article takes a detailed look at four such archives including the Oglala Lakota College Archives in Kyle, South Dakota; Crow Indian Archives, Little Big Horn College Library at Crow Agency, Montana; The Haskell Cultural Center and Museum in Lawrence, Kansas; and the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center in Mashantucket, Connecticut. [submitted to PROVENANCE.Ca 2005.01]

Provenance Articles & Columns - Vol.6 2004

Disaster Earthquake-Tidalwave Relief Volunteers from Canada go to India
"The organization I volunteered with in India is sending a team of local & Canadian medical/social workers into the worst-hit area to work on the immediate relief & arrange for shelter for children left without families. ... With this group were Sarah , nurse from Vancouver, Sheila, nurse from Vancouver and Chris, a cardiologist from Vancouver, Sunbeam acting as head of FFC and rep. of Child Line and Veluswamy and Marimuthu. Two vehicles are going." [fr. Carol Bullen, Vancouver 2004.12.29-30] s/a | s/a large photo of group & 1 of vans

[*** Errors & Corrections ***: NB - apologies to H.T. - article on VPL removed 2005.08.02]

First Northern Women in NWT Qualify as Post-Secondary Teachers From Northern Learning Institute, Yellowknife, Canada
by Eddie Kolausok
No Sweat In the Arctic:  Canada Arctic Adventures and Stories
Column by Eddie Dean Kolausok, YellowKnife, North West Territories
Provenance welcomes it's newest columnist-journalist and arctic stories editor Mr. Eddie Dean Kolausok.   Eddie has authored and published books such as Across Time and Tundra: The Inuvialuit of the Western Arctic by Ishmael Alunik, Eddie D. Kolausok & David Morrison.  Published by Raincoast Books in partnership with the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the University of Washington Press, ISBN I-55192-645-8  The book won the following awards in 2004: Lela Common Award from the Canadian Writer's Association; CLIO Award from Canadian Historical Association.
Eddie's column will include include a sample Glossary-dictionary of local aboriginal language terms as well as a sample of oral history-stories from various elders he has interviewed. This column begins in 2004.
Archival Arrangement: Ensuring Access to Materials
by Moya K. Mason, MLIS
ABSTRACT "This essay considers the traditional principles and practices of archival arrangement in relation to their strengths and weaknesses in the promotion of archival goals.  In addition, the future effects of electronic information technologies and the possibility of a paperless society will be discussed in connection with archival practices."
[note Bibliography references early articles of Provenance web magazine by Adrian Cunningham and Guy Robertson]

Articles & reports - Vol.5 2003

Major (ret'd) David Haas, Curator of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment Military Museum gives Provenance photographer Neal Chan a tour visits Military Museum - a hidden tourist gem in Edmonton, The Loyal Edmonton Regiment's Military Museum is located in the Prince of Wales Armouries, sharing the building with the Edmonton City Archives.  Two reasons to spend a day visiting as a individual, family or school group.

Articles & reports:  Vol.4  No.1 - 2002

Paper crazy no more:  records management for library chaos junkies
by:  Guy Robertson
read an eight step program to counterattack the lack of good records management (RM) in a library

Integrating western and traditional information processing:  observations from Papua New Guinea
by:  Stuart Hawthorne & John Evans
read "The literature covering the implemention of Western designed information systems in developing countries frequently attests to the difficulty of matching the world view of the local community with the way knowledge is represented in the system."

Seniors:  What they want and what they get in Canada's public libraries
by:  Guy Robertson
read article.

First lights and last stands:  Custer and the Indians Together Again:  American Folklore & History
by:  Brian Buchanan
read perspectives on the Battle of the Little Big Horn

In memory of Douglas Jung, LLB, Order of Canada, Order of British Columbia:  Canada's first Chinese Canadian Member of Parliament and part of Canada's U.N. team
by:  WWII Veterans honor guard

see also articles from our 1995-2000 archives such as:
 ·  Keeping Electronic Records:  issues & strategies - by Greg O'Shea - Australian Archives National Office Canberra
 ·  Bookstore disasters:  surving the worse from fire & water damage - by Guy Robertson, Canada
 ·  History of YWCA Women's Information Centre Vancouver, BC, Canada 1995 to 1997 - by Alison Halyk
 ·  Ensuring Essential Evidence:  Changing Archival & Records Management Practices in the Electronic Recordkeeping Era - by Adrian Cunningham - International Relations, National Library of Australia

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Contact us by email

NB Copyright © of materials on this site is with orginal authors, publishers, media and content producers unless otherwise noted.  The opinions stated in content of materials on this website is that of the respective authors-writers and does not necessarily represent the postion of the publisher of this web magazine.

NB Copyright © of pictures on this magazine remains with original photographers, graphic designers, cartographers and web media producers unless otherwise noted.  Pictures on this front page are from the collection of Neal Chan, Publisher (the pictures on the right were taken of the "BC Union of Indian Chiefs' Research Library" Vancouver, BC [circa 1993-1995]

See also and [special directory of legal information sources about Canada] our current projects to promote the "home cities and towns" of many of our contributing writers, graphics and photographers.

Terrance Carter, Trademarks, Intellectual Property and Charity Law - with WWW.CARTERS.CA
Terrance Carter, Intellectual Property & Trade Mark Lawyer Toronto Region
see Toronto Area IP Lawyers

Victoria Highschool Class of 1961 Reunion 2005 - CLICK FOR ENLARGEMENT Canada's Families For Children Earthquake Relief Team photo  2004.12.30 with van of supplies in India - CLICK FOR ENLARGEMENT CLICK TO ARCTICLE - Post-Secondary teachers in Arctic's Yellowknife AURORA SHINING - Book cover  - by Eddie Kolausok - clik for Arctic columnist Catolog records systems Film media collections Library print stacks Orignal bridal gown shared by War Brides circa 1945, in  military museum display case

Sample Referneces

Children's illustrator Cat Wong, in San Francisco shows characters Clara reading  storey to her closest friend Clarent Bear - click to her web site for more samples
San Francisco's

 · · · · · ·

More References

Toronto Ontario
Intellectual Property   Trade Mark Lawyer, Shen Goh, LLB LLM  Ms. Shen Goh, Canada Intellectual Property  Lawyer with Carters serving greater Toronto region from offices in Orangemville and Mississaugua.

Canada's Intellectual Property IP Lawyers in

Vancouver, BC Papua New Guinea books, useful articles and information, intially funded by Canada's IDRC "Ariadne: A Web magazine on Internet issues for librarians and information specialists" ISSN: 1361-3200
1996 article on in Ariadne Law Students - Alberta libraries, archives and museum links in Vancouver-Victoria Canada South Pacific Island profile anti-racism, equity & diversity: adult education services in Canada

Canada Immigration Lawyers

Wills Trusts & Estates Law
Vancouver lawyers

Canada's Arctic First Nations People · Stories · Places · Artwork · Business Resources

Canada's Private Investigation Services with Licensed & Bonded Investigators
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Provenance is maintained and promoted by developers of "findable" search engine friendly web sites ©2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 2007 Vancouver-Victoria, BC Canada